Listening Desk
2023 – ongoing
British Library for Unlocking Our Sound Heritage

Images by FRENCH+TYE
Powder coated aluminium, oak, lino inlay. Interactive soundscape and oral history player created with Happylander, screen by AllSee Technologies, parametric speaker by Ultrasonic Audio Technology, hearing loop.
Listening Desk was commissioned by The British Library for Unlocking Our Sound Heritage, in partnership with Archives+, Manchester; Bristol Culture; Cumbria Archives, The Keep, Brighton; London Metropolitan Archives; National Library of Scotland; The National Library of Wales; National Museums Northern Ireland ; Norfolk Records Office; Tyne & Wear Archives & Museum; and University of Leicester.
Creative Team
Listening Desk was created in collaboration with Studio Ben Allen, East JR, Happylander and Cow Sike Workshop.
Artist Assistant: Djuna Mount.
Listening Desk at The British Library. Images by FRENCH+TYE